Re: radio files - and a call for tech help wrote:

For some reason, the podcasting script has stopped being able to read the MP3 tags properly.

Well, you’ve started writing the tags in a weird way. You should figure that out one of these days …

Not by intent. They’re what are supposed to be standard ID3v2.4 tags, in the comment field. iTunes says they are, and so does a freestanding tag editor (MP3 ID3X). I tried converting them to 2.2 and 1.1, and doing all the translations that iTunes offers (ISO->Latin, Latin->ISL, reverse unicode). The prob started, though, when iTunes went to version 6.

Thanks for tweaking the script, Jordan, but I’d really like to figure out what happened.

And for some reason, the iTunes store doesn’t pick up the genre. And it’s still speaking hex.


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