RE: eminent domain

Wojtek Sokolowski wrote:

What I wanted to say was that WSJ, the paper of the property-owning class, obviously came strongly against any encroachment of the property right, and they did that by selecting examples that evoke US popular icons, familiy owned business, churches, etc. vs. megacorps and city hall - bascially the small guy vs. big organization imagery that evokes strong emotions here. Doug is generally quite keen to catch this kind of bullshit when it comes to argument against media ownership, but this evidently slipped past him.

Do you ever read the WSJ? It’s so much better than this caricature that I have to think you don’t. It runs some of the best stuff about life in the USA of any publication. I wish the left press were 1/10th that good.

And, for the 14th time, I don’t give a fuck about small business. I care about running bulldozers over people’s houses and neighborhoods to enrich developers. I’ve spent a fair amount of time following how urban planning works in NYC, and it has nothing to do with the fantasies of high-minded liberals.


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