even his staff is abandoning him!


Peter Baker’s A1 analysis in the Washington Post of the latest Bush woes focuses on the GOP’s waning support of the President on national security issues - as evidenced through the torture ban, the Patriot Act renewal, the NSA spying uproar, and the ports controversy. LINK

Say Baker: “The breakdown of the Republican consensus on national security both reflects and exacerbates Bush’s political weakness heading toward the midterm elections, according to party strategists.”

Baker also throws in this nugget from yesterday: “[A]t the White House, aides were decidedly downbeat, making dark jokes about the latest political trajectory and the Murphy’s Law quality of life in the West Wing these days - what can go wrong will go wrong. At least, some consoled themselves, Bush beat out Vice President Cheney, who was viewed favorably by just 18 percent in the CBS survey.”

The Washington Times chronicles the rising tensions between GOP lawmakers and the White House, giving significant play to Sen. Trent Lott’s (R-MS) response to Bush using the v-word: “OK, big boy, I’ll just vote to override your veto.” LINK

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