Right-wing nut on Iran
From: Peter Nasaw peter@drcpublicrelations.com Date: September 21, 2006 10:45:30 AM EDT To: Peter Nasaw peter@drcpublicrelations.com Subject: Iran Expert Michael Evans on President Ahmadinejad
Michael Evans, one of America’s top experts on the Middle East and
confidant to Israeli leaders, has a new book out, SHOWDOWN WITH
NUCLEAR IRAN (Nelson Current, October 3, 2006). Based on interviews
with top military officials and heads of state, Evans’s latest work
shows how Iran’s desire for nuclear arms warrants immediate
preemptive action by the West.
According to Michael Evans, President Ahmadinejad’s closing lines,
“Bestow upon humanity that thirsts for justice, the perfect human
being promised to all by You, and make us among his followers and
among those who strive for his return and his cause,” were an Osama
Bin Laden like call to arms for all Muslims to join the holy war to
usher in the coming of the “twelfth Imam.” In essence, Ahmadinejad is
on a campaign to end the world.
In SHOWDOWN WITH NUCLEAR IRAN, Michael Evans makes the following
alarming revelations:
Jimmy Carter actually intended to put the Ayatollah Khomeni in
power, and helped to depose the Shah.Iran has already prepared for an attack against the United States.
In order for the President of Iran to get the theological support for
the attack, he was required to offer the President of the United
States an opportunity to convert to Islam, and to warn him of an
attack. He did this in an 18-page letter on May 9, 2006.Iran, not the Democratic Party, is President George Bush’s
greatest threat during the upcoming mid-term elections. Iranian
proxies using Iranian-supplied improvised explosive devices are
causing the vast majority of deaths in Iraq. The goal is simply to
influence U. S. public opinion as Ayatollah Khomeini did during the
Carter era.Iran believes that it is on a mission from God to usher in the
“second coming of the Mahdi,” also known as “the Twelfth Imam,” the
twelfth descendant of Mohammad. They believe this will happen
shortly, and will be spurred by an apocalyptic event against the
Great Satan, America, and the Little Satan, Israel.
Says Lt. Gen. Moshe Ya’alon, ret., the former Chief of Staff of the
Israeli Defense Force, about SHOWDOWN WITH NUCLEAR IRAN: “The most
detailed account of the Iranian regime’s determination, policy, and
plan to acquire military nuclear capabilities .”
Michael Evans is a frequent guest on network talk shows such as Fox
and Friends, MSNBC, and CNN. I’d be thrilled to set up an interview.
Please let me know what you think.
Peter Nasaw
Peter Nasaw Account Executive Dera, Roslan & Campion Inc. Public Relations 132 Nassau Street, Ste. 619 New York, NY 10038
Office: (212) 966-4600 Cell: (917) 797-6365