Re: Doug Henwood on Gas Prices and Bush’s Popularity

On Sep 22, 2006, at 11:53 PM, Chuck wrote:

Doug Henwood on Gas Prices and Bush’s Popularity

Hey, I even got a few secs on CNN

Certainly, there is a strong statistical relation between Bush’s
approval rating and the price of gas. Nine-eleven, approval spike…

VELSHI: Doug Henwood, editor of the liberal newsletter “The Left
Business Observer,’ has charted President Bush’s popularity against
gas prices. He calls the correlation he found uncanny, but he stopped
short of calling it a conspiracy.

HENWOOD: More than three-quarters of the movement in Bush’s approval
rating can be explained by movements in the price of gas.

VELSHI: But it’s not just the blogs.

A “USA Today”/Gallup poll last weekend asked voters: Do you think the
Bush administration has deliberately manipulated the price of
gasoline so that it would decrease before this fall’s elections?
Forty-two percent said yes.

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