Re: re: holocaust denial, bill cosby, and good americans (was: Ahmadinejad will not speak at CU)
On Sep 24, 2006, at 2:34 PM, Michael Pugliese wrote:
Huh? Chomsky’s blurbing books by lunatic anti-Semites? What’s the blurb say exactly? And is it really a blurb provided by Chomsky or something appropriated by Shamir?
You would have to ask the Noamster himself.This is the book Flowers of Galilee : the collected essays of Israel Shamir / Tempe, AZ : Dandelion Books, c2004
You posted the news that Chomsky “blurbed” the book - what did this
alleged blurb actually say? There’s no evidence of it in Shamir’s
website, or the page of the site
devoted to this book
Neumann, who are hostile to Chomsky’s view of Israel as doing the
US’s imperial work, whereas they think the US has been hijacked by
the Zionists. So produce the quote, Michael, and its source and
context, or I’ll have to conclude you’ve joined the Chomsky-smearing