Re: Our terrorist

On Oct 8, 2006, at 11:20 PM, Michael Pugliese quoted Marc Cooper:

There are numerous liberals among the Miami Cuban population, many of them key in the Democratic Party leadership in Southern Florida. Among the rank and file of many Miami Cubans are some very ordinary people who came here because they wanted the sort of opptys denied in Cuba.

“Opptys”? Cooper’s adopting the language of want ads?

Those recipes are as bankrupt as the current ones provided by Havana. And for that matter by MR which can only offer high-carb, low calorie servings of warmed-over anti-imperialist rhetoric. That, my friend, will feed excatly nobody.

What the fuck is Cuba, or any other poor country a stone’s throw from
the U.S., supposed to do? Cooper & Pugliese may find “anti- imperialist” rhetoric painfully obsolete, but imperialism is still
quite alive, and Washington reacts very badly when countries deviate
from the prescribed path. Like the Bush admin, the Coop/Pug axis
doesn’t like Chavez either, even though his government is quite
democratic and open to trading with capitalists. Washington overthrew
Coop’s old boss Allende. Daniel Ortega’s candidacy is causing fits in
Washington. Who do you purists like? If you try anything seriously
redistributionist, you get the CIA in on the next flight. If you
compromise yourself into being “reasonable,” you end up a corrupt
disappointment like Lula. What Coop/Pug-approved regime is feeding


PS: Hi Marc! (I assume Pug is going to forward this to you.)

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