Re: Hitchens re-affirms that Iraq has driven him mental
On Oct 17, 2006, at 3:48 PM, boddi satva wrote:
Oh, yeah, but Hitchens - he reaches down into the muck and comes up with the claim even American movement conservatives won’t use in a direct way:
“And it’s been noticed that Dr. Richard Horton, the editor of the magazine, is a full-throated speaker at rallies of the Islamist-Leftist alliance that makes up the British Stop the War Coalition”
I just read the New Yorker profile of Hitchens. Yuck. An excerpt:
In 1982, Hitchens wrote an essay for The Nation about Evelyn
Waugh’s “Brideshead Revisited,” and the point he was most keen to
make was that although the First World War predates the action of
the novel, it remains at the center of the story. Hitchens quoted
at length from Waugh’s honeyed description of the excursion made by
Charles Ryder and Sebastian Flyte to the Venice of the early
twenties, a passage of champagne cocktails and gondolas that ends
with Sebastian saying, “It’s rather sad to think that whatever
happens you and I can never possibly get involved in a war.”I asked Carol Blue about this passage. She said that her husband,
who was brought up in an English military family in the years
following the Second World War, had an aspect of “those men who
were never really in battle and wished they had been. There’s a
whole tough-guy, ‘I am violent, I will use violence, I will take
some of these people out before I die’ talk, which is really key to
his psychology-I don’t care what he says. I think it is partly to
do with his upbringing.”