Zizek! (the movie) in NYC
Please join us for a screening of Zizek!, a feature documentary in =
which =93wild man of theory=94 Slavoj Zizek obsessively reveals the =
invisible workings of ideology through his unique blend of Lacanian =
psychoanalysis, Marxism, and critique of pop culture. Never ceasing =
to observe the paradoxes that underpin our perception of reality, =
little goes untheorized over the course of the film, particularly =
Zizek’s recurring themes — ideology, belief, revolution, and love.
Q & A with filmmaker Astra Taylor to follow.
Tuesday, May 15th, 7:30pm The Change You Want to See http://www.thechangeyouwanttosee.org L to Bedford, G to Metropolitan, J/M/Z to Marcy Havemeyer St, Store Front, Brooklyn NY 11211 Directions at http://www.hopstop.com
SYNOPSIS The author of works on subjects as wide-ranging as Alfred Hitchcock, =
9/11, opera, Christianity, Lenin and David Lynch, Slovenian =
philosopher Slavoj Zizek is one of the most important=97and outrageous=97 =
cultural theorists working today. This captivating, erudite =
documentary explores the eccentric personality and esoteric work of =
this incomparable academic and writer who has been called everything =
from =93the Elvis of cultural theory=94 to =93a one person culture mulcher= =94.
Director Astra Taylor follows the charismatic and provocative =
theorist from Buenos Aires to New York and then on home to Ljubljana =
and his modest apartment, recording his energetic and provocative =
psychological observations in lecture halls, restaurants and even in =
bed. Erudite and outrageous, mixing innovative animations with =
uncensored interviews, “Zizek!” is both an unforgettable lesson in =
philosophy and a compelling portrait of an intellectual maverick.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zizek http://www.zizekthemovie.com/press/
ABOUT THE FILMMAKER Astra Taylor is a writer and documentarian born in Winnipeg, Manitoba =
in 1979 and raised in Athens, Georgia. She has been an instructor in =
sociology departments at the University of Georgia and State =
University of New York, New Paltz where she has taught classes on =
social theory, globalization, and the sociology of film. Her writing =
has appeared in the Monthly Review, the Nation, and Salon. She was =
named one of the 25 New Faces to Watch in independent cinema by =
Filmmaker Magazine in the summer of 2006.
=93I saw myself as a lion tamer, or a traffic cop, directing the flow =
of the conversation. We had 70 hours of footage, and I had to shape =
it into one theoretical argument. Ultimately, I focused on the =
intersection between psychoanalysis and capitalism, what it means to =
live in this society that commands us to enjoy, consume and have wild =
sex. I thought that argument would resonate with my generation.=94