Re: Celebrating the Death of Jerry Falwell

On May 16, 2007, at 6:07 AM, Joseph Catron wrote:

The comments I’ve read from anti-Falwell types have been disgusting and heartless. Celebrate the death of a man because you disagreed with some of his opinions and political activism? How humane. The most passionate anti-Falwell types hated him because he did not support homosexual behavior and because he was anti-abortion. This alone makes someone a hateful, worthless bigot according to the hard left. But let’s just say for a moment that Falwell is a bad as these folks claim. How does celebrating his death and laughing about such a tragedy make his critics any better? In fact, it arguably makes them look much worse. For all the talk about Falwell being a hypocrite from these people, perhaps they should stick their own self-righteous faces in front of a mirror.

Oh please. So all this be kind to the religious stuff now extends to
Falwell? Falwell was a hateful reactionary creep. He helped elect
Reagan. He called Mohammed a terrorist and blamed my kind of people
for 9/11. (”I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists,
and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively
trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For
the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I
point the finger in their face and say ‘you helped this happen.’”)
Fuck him.


2 Responses to “Re: Celebrating the Death of Jerry Falwell”

  1. Christine Says:

    What’s the big deal about the SOB’s death? Everybody dies, some people just need to die sooner than later. I hope Pat Robertson and that Dobson bastard and the rest of those Scheisters go soon. This country needs more scientists, not more of these morons.

  2. Jonathan Garahan Says:

    Now that Jerry Falwell is dead, nearly all the folks in Lynchburg, VA. are going to find themselves at a total standstill. The One who did all the thinking for them is gone!

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