Re: Max Horkheimer on Theism and Atheism
On Jul 8, 2007, at 12:43 PM, Robert Wrubel wrote:
I dont get it, Doug. I was just thinking how well that quote fits certain contemporaries, like Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris.
What atheists have power in the U.S.? Pete Stark is the only self-
proclaimed athetist member of Congress. The president is an
apocalyptic Christian nut. He was sworn into office on a bible. Our
money declares our trust in god. And fewer Americans would vote for
an atheist for president than a queer:
The Feb. 9-11, 2007, poll asked Americans whether they would vote for
“a generally well-qualified” presidential candidate nominated by
their party with each of the following characteristics: Jewish,
Catholic, Mormon, an atheist, a woman, black, Hispanic, homosexual,
72 years of age, and someone married for the third time.
Between now and the 2008 political conventions, there will be
discussion about the qualifications of presidential candidates –
their education, age, religion, race, and so on. If your party
nominated a generally well-qualified person for president who
happened to be …, would you vote for that person?
yes no
Catholic 95 4 Black 94 5 Jewish 92 7 A woman 88 11 Hispanic 87 12 Mormon 72 24 Married for the third time 67 30 [i.e., Rudy G] 72 years of age 57 42 [i.e., McCain] A homosexual 55 43 An atheist 45 53