Re: a history of capitalist success models

Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:

Each period of post-WW2-boom capitalism found its model of ascendant capitalism, hyped by some (who tout it as an example that other nations ought to emulate) and feared by others (who worry about trade deficits). It was once Japan. Then it was the “Asian Tigers.” Now it’s China and India. What is noteworthy, though, is that the standard of capitalist success, measured by the wellbeing of the population of the model capitalist nation featured by the media, has progressively gone down. :->

You mean that each successive model was at a lower pole in the world income distribution? I don’t think I’d make this argument, because you could spin it as: see, capitalism, in its historical mission of endless material uplift, is now reaching some of the world’s poorest people.


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