Re: O’Reilly targets Jon Stewart as enabler of secularist anti-Xmas agenda

There’s something cheering about this. It’s so weird and bilious that it almost seems like the eruption of someone who’s feeling marginalized and desperate for attention. Fuck ‘em.


B. wrote:

Check out this rhetoric:

“I am not going to let oppressive, totalitarian, anti-Christian forces in this country diminish and denigrate the holiday and the celebration. I am not going to let it happen. I’m gonna use all the power that I have on radio and television to bring horror into the world of people who are trying to do that.” –Bill O’Reilly

“Bring horror into the world,” etc. Man, what a prick — will he be charging at the head of a column of ring wraiths, black cloaks flying, scimitars and scythes at the ready, against “atheist-secularists” or something? Stewart responded on his show, which is at that URL.


One Response to “Re: O’Reilly targets Jon Stewart as enabler of secularist anti-Xmas agenda”

  1. captn freedom Says:

    Typical simplistic neo-con rhetorical techniques: the mirror tactic (I know you are but what am I?): projection. It’s a game of fallacies. How do you respond? Always call him totalitarian, oppressive, Stalinist, even, which of course he is.
    Blessed are the freedomlovers!
    Captain Freedom

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