Re: Republic of Fear: the sequel

On Sep 22, 2006, at 11:48 AM, Colin Brace wrote:

Human rights groups say torture is practised in prisons run by the US as well as those run by the Interior and Defence ministries and the numerous Sunni and Shia militias.

Lenin, if you’re reading… You’ve argued that this is at least in
part the work of US-sponsored death squads. You think that’s where
most of it’s coming from? Or just part?


One Response to “Re: Republic of Fear: the sequel”

  1. Zappy! Says:

    just to clarify, people today in Iraq are being killed for no reason at all, back in the “dark age” people were killed far less.
    In any case people are being killed because our nice forign educated leaders who spent most of thier live in western Europe and the U.S. just don’t like anybody critisizing them.

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