Re: Ahmadinejad Will Not Speak at CU

On Sep 23, 2006, at 8:20 PM, Angelus Novus wrote:

— Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:

Campus Zionism in action! — Yoshie

Refusing a platform to Holocaust deniers is standard Antifascist praxis.

He’s not just anyone - he’s the president of an important country.
The Council on Foreign Relations invited Ahmadinejad to speak the
other day, and faced protests from the Israeli ambassador, and the
unbearable Elie Wiesel, who tried to get all the Jews to resign from
the Council. Things have gotten so nutty that the president of the
CFR is a voice of reason. As today’s NYT put it (Richard Haass is the
president of the CFR):

Mr. Haass has said that the decision to invite Mr. Ahmadinejad was
a difficult one, but that he decided that “with so little discourse
under way with Iran,” it was important for the Iranian leader to
understand how vociferously leaders of the American foreign policy
community, of all parties, were responding to his statements.

“Two hours of give and take don’t give him legitimacy,” Mr. Haass
said after the meeting. “They reflect the fact that he is
president, and our nations have a lot of problems to talk out.” Doug

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