more fan mail: You’ve lost another faithful listener.
Gotta love the style of argument of 9/11 truthers. “Hearst yellow
journalism” said the Loose Change kids to the Pop Mech crew. And “you
make me sick” from this fella. Love the note at the bottom: “We have
no personal confirmation as to the validity of this story….” Sounds
good though, doesn’t it?
Begin forwarded message:
From: Date: September 24, 2006 11:54:14 AM EDT To: Subject: You’ve lost another faithful listener.
You make me sick. Shameful.
Sergeant Lauro “LJ” Chavez, 9/11 Whistle Blower Speaks Out in
Cincinnati Post former military | NORAD | whistleblower Sergeant Lauro “LJ” Chavez, 9/11 Whistle Blower Speaks Out in
Cincinnati Post - Veterans for 9/11 TruthI felt it necessary to follow up to a recent story that was
published in Cincinnati Post. It was the 1 in 3 believe 9-11
conspiracy theory. I must admit that at first I was overwhelmed
with joy that our local paper was actually starting to have real
journalism and talk about real issues. Then I read the story and it
was a total debunk to make the actual people around the world who
feel there was something not right about 9-11, to look like over
reacting conspiracy theorists. .. Honestly I could care less what is done with this letter, but I
feel that I should speak my mind and Ill tell you some things that
I have not told many people at all. From 1995 till 2002 I was a
Sergeant in the United States Army. Not only this, but I was
stationed at United States Central Command, which is located at
MacDill AFB in Tampa Florida. I was on active duty when 9-11
happened. In the days prior to the tragedies, we were involved in
many exercises. Some of these exercises included the scenarios of
hijacked planes crashing into, our building[,] the world trade
center, the White House, Sears Tower, and the Pentagon. These
drills or exercises as we called them, where classified Top Secret.
Having a Top Secret rated clearance I was dumbfounded that they
would ever push a training exercise above the level of Secret. Over
my 8 years in the Army, I had participated in many exercises around
the world, none of which were ever classified over the Secret level.Ill start by saying a few months prior it was announced by
President Bush that Dick Cheney would be heading up operations over
NORAD our North American Aerospace Defense Command. Along with many
of my peers, we were shocked. Over the years, if you research
NORAD, it has always been under the command of a Military officer.
It was done this way because the defense of this country has always
been in the hands of such. Prior to the months before 9-11 this was
all of the sudden changed. Like I said, if you research NORAD and
the command structure you will find that it was imposed long ago
that the military should be in control of the order to scramble
planes in the defense of American air space. For some strange
reason, Bush changed this and gave that power to a civilian person
on his Staff team yes I know, very interesting. .. So, I was standing in the SCIF (Secure Compartmented Information
Facility), which is basically this underground bunker command post
for USCENTCOM, when the first plane hit. We were watching the fly
patterns of all the planes on the aerospace grid. This contained
not only all commercial flights at the time, but all military
flights, and fake enemy planes that were supposedly put on there
for the exercise. Many of the planes sent to intercept the fake
blips were scrambled from Andrews which is an air defense AFB for
the East Coast. They were sent across the US and left very few
planes to defend the capital. After the first plane hit the tower
we were all in disbelief. After the initial shock was over, our
questions were what are the odds this could happen for real, during
a training exercise thats covering the same scenario? We were all
at wits end. Then to top all of this off, Cheney gave NORAD the
order to stand down scrambling jets to intercept. A few moments
later tower 2 was hit. Only after the Pentagon was hit, did he give
the orders to scramble the jets to intercept the plane bound for
the White House. .. To delve even further, as Im standing there watching the towers
collapse, next to me is one of my good friends and a former
commander of the Army Corps of Engineers. He is a demolitions
expert. He was even more surprised than me. When the towers
collapsed he kept saying this isnt right, this isnt right. When I
asked him what he was talking about he told me that steel buildings
dont fall down that way. Even if they are struck by objects; he
went on to say that in theory if the top 10 floors were hit, then
possibly just that part of the building would fall over and off,
but the rest would remain standing. When I asked him, not
understanding the implications of demolitions, he told me that it
looked as if they were brought down by controlled demolitions. I
was utterly amazed, but after he said that it did sort of appear
that way.Be sure to follow the link for the full posting by Sergeant Lauro
“LJ” Chavez.Thanks Steve for the submission!
NOTE: We have no personal confirmation as to the validity of this
story any further than that it was posted on Veterans for 9/11
Truth’s website. As with everything that is posted on this site it
is up to the viewer to do their own research and reach their own
opinions.In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave,
hated, and scorned.When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it
cost nothing to be a patriot.Mark Twain
Pastor Martin Niemöller
What would he say?
“When the Neo-Conservatives came into power, they disenfranchised a
large number of American citizens of their vote, but I was neither
black nor from Florida, so I said nothing.Then, after receiving well over twenty specific warnings from both
foreign and domestic intelligence sources, and enjoying a month- long vacation, they read a children’s book about a pet goat as two
jet liners crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.
However, I didn’t work there, nor did a loved one, nor was I a
fireman or cop, or even from New York or New Jersey, so I swallowed
the official explanation without question.Then, they started detaining people without charges, but I was
neither Arab nor Muslim, so I said nothing.Then, they put gag orders on a woman who knew too much, but I
wasn’t an FBI translator, I did nothing.Then, they went after the artists, but I wasn’t an artist. I did
nothing.Then, they went after defense attorneys, but I wasn’t a lawyer. I
did nothing.Then, they invaded a sovereign nation in a war of aggression based
on lies and deception, but I wasn’t Iraqi. I did nothing.Then, they tortured, humiliated and photographed detainees and
passed the images around like baseball cards, but wasn’t an Abu
Ghraib inmate. I did nothing.Then they sodomized a teen-aged boy in sight of his distraught
mother, but I wasn’t an Iraqi youth. I did nothing.Then, they cut off a small city’s water and power before bombing it
to smithereens, but I didn’t live in Fallujah. I did nothing.Then, they “extraordinarily detained” innocent people for
deportation to Middle Eastern dictatorships for unspeakable
torture, but I wasn’t a Canadian of Middle Eastern descent. I did
nothing.Then, they leaked Muhammad Naeem Noor Khan’s identity to the press,
giving a “heads-up” to terrorists in the United Kingdom, but I
didn’t live in London. I did nothing.Then they dispatched hordes of their wenching devotees to New York
to make a party out of that City’s tragedy, and to deny its
residents freedom of speech and assembly, right of way and access
to their own City park, but again, I wasn’t a New Yorker. I did
nothing.Then, they “counted” ballots behind closed doors, but I was neither
from Ohio nor a Democrat. I did nothing.Then, they tried to plunder Social Security so that their Wall
Street campaign contributors could go out on binge, but I didn’t
fall into the effected age bracket. I did nothing.Then they trashed and slimed a Gold Star Mom, but I had no children
in the military. I did nothing.Then, they nibbled on cake and plucked on a guitar, while
neglectfully presiding over the destruction of a great American
City and the cruel deaths of thousands of its inhabitants, but I
didn’t live in New Orléans. I did nothing……Then, they came for me…”
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
Q: Terrorists crashing planes into the World Trade Center and
Pentagon was wholly unexpected in 2001, wasn’t it?A: No, it was not unexpected.
Q: But there is always confusion in any battle situation. Wasn’t it
the “fog of war” which prevented a successful response to the 9/11
attacks?A: No. It was the multiple war games, including hijack exercises
involving real planes, and the injection of fake radar blips onto
air traffic controller’s screens which prevented the good people in
the military from stopping the attacks from succeeding against
their targets in New York and at the Pentagon.Q: Wouldn’t a huge conspiracy involving thousands of people have
been necessary to carry out 9/11, and wouldn’t someone have spilled
the beans by now if there really was a conspiracy?A: No. In fact, a small handful of people could have pulled it off.
Q: Isn’t it crazy to think the government would hurt its own people?
A: No, the U.S. government — and many other Western governments –
have done so before. Initially, the Joint Chiefs of Staff actually
approved a plan to carry out terrorist attacks and kill U.S.
citizens and blame it on Cuba, as a justification for invading
Cuba. And a government informant has stated that he tried to stop
the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, but that the FBI intentionally
let the bombing happen. There are many other examples of other
governments killing their own people for political gain, and the
U.S. government doing killing its own as well.